Friday, May 4, 2012

How To: Recover a lost Windows password

Applies to: Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP

Recover lost user password

If you have lost and forgotten the password of a user of the Windows computer, but can still log in to the system under another user, there are several ways you can regain access to the account.
  • Use Windows Password Cracker. This is a tool that reads the hashed (encrypted) copies of the passwords from the system, and then uses dictionary and/or brute force methods to find the password that matches the hash. The stronger the password (the longer it is, whether it uses random letters and numbers or words and names) the longer this will take.
  • Use Recover My Password
  • Use Spotmau BootSuite or Spotmau Password Recovery

Recover lost administrator password

If you have lost the administrator password and are unable to log in to the computer at all then you must reset the password to something known. This is achieved by booting the computer from another disc and using a tool that rewrites the part of the registry where the password hash is stored. Only the last two of the tools mentioned above allow the creatuin of a password recovery disc.
This tutorial illustrates how you can reset the Windows administrator password using Spotmau BootSuite or Spotmau Windows Password Finder.

Using Spotmau BootSuite

We recommend that you use Spotmau BootSuite. This tool is easy to use, with a graphical interface. It also has many other uses, so it is not something that you may only need to use once.
Spotmau Password Recovery is the password recovery component of Spotmau BootSuite sold on its own.
buy spotmauGet Spotmau BootSuite now
and recover your lost password!

Resetting the password

Insert the Spotmau BootSuite CD and start the computer. The main menu will appear.
Spotmau BootSuite
Click 5. Password Recovery.
Spotmau BootSuite
On the Password Recovery menu click Windows Admin/User Password.
Spotmau BootSuite
An informational message appears. Note that changing or resetting the password will make any encrypted files unreadable, because the files are encrypted using the original password. There is no way round this. If you have encrypted files, you have to remember the original password. Assuming that you don't have any encrypted files, click Next.
Spotmau BootSuite
On the Windows Admin/User dialog, select the location of your Windows installation. Usually there will only be one choice. In the screenshot above, Windows XP and Windows Vista were installed in separate partitions. Click Next.
Spotmau BootSuite
Now select what you want to do. You can either set the password to blank, or change it to something new. In our example, we will set it to blank. You can re-set it to something new once you are back inside Windows. Click Blank Admin/User password.
Spotmau BootSuite tutorial
Enter the name of the user whose password you want to reset. The default name is Administrator. Click Next.
Spotmau BootSuite tutorial
Confirm the action you have selected by clicking Yes.
Spotmau BootSuite tutorial
A message is displayed to tell you that the password has been reset. Remove the Spotmau BootSuite CD from the drive and click OK to restart the computer and log in to Windows.

How To: Reset the Windows administrator or user password

Applies to: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows Server editions
If you have forgotten the Administrator password for Windows or you cannot remember any other password that will get you in to Windows then you will need to reset the password to regain access to the computer.
This tutorial illustrates how this can easily be achieved using the Recover My Password software.

Getting started

Before you can start to reset the Windows password you must use a working computer with a CD burner to download the Recover My Password software and burn it to CD to create a boot disc.
If you are a home user running Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 2000 then you will only need the Home edition of Recover My Password. If you are a business user or need to reset the administrator password on a Windows server then you will need a different version: check the product review page for more information.
downloadDownload Recover My Password now!
The software comes in a zip archive. You will need to open the zip file, drag and drop the iso file (CD image file) within it to a suitable location such as the desktop, and then use some CD image burning software to create a boot CD from the image. Most PCs that have a CD or DVD burner have suitable software already, but if you don't have anything suitable we recommend ImgBurn.
You will also need to buy a license for the software, because you will be required to enter the license details before resetting the password.

Resetting the administrator password

To start the reset Windows password process, put the password recovery boot CD you created into the computer's CD drive and start (or restart) the computer. The boot disc start-up screen should appear.
Reset administrator password - boot-up screen
Using the cursor up/down arrow keys you can select the drive containing the Windows installation with the password you want to reset and press Enter to start, or just wait and the system will start after 30 seconds.
The Lazesoft loading screen
The Lazesoft loading screen will appear, and stay on the screen while the operating system loads. This normally takes a minute or so.

The Recover My Password wizard

Eventually the Recover My Password Wizard will appear on the screen.
The Recover My Password wizard
The Wizard is a commonly used type of user interface on Windows computers. You simply answer the questions or select the required options on each page and then click Next to go on to the next page. You can always click Back to check or change selections made on a previous page.
Click Next.
Select the Windows installation for which you want to reset the password
First you should select the Windows installation for which you want to reset the administrator password. Usually there is only a single installation anyway, which is selected by default. Click Next.
Select the user whose password you want to reset
Next you select the user whose password you want to reset. Note that you can reset the password for any of the users on the system, not just the administrator. When you have done that click Next.
The details of the selected user are displayed
The final Wizard screen will display the details of the user you selected. If this is the correct one, click the RESET/UNLOCK button.

Entering the license key

At this point you will be asked to enter the name and serial number of the license you purchased, because this is not stored on the CD.
Enter the license key
Now the password of the user has been set to blank. Click Finish, then when the Wizard closes remove the CD and restart your computer.

How To: Fix "NTLDR is missing"

Applies to: Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP


When you start your computer, you receive the error message "NTLDR is missing. Press any key to restart."


The error message "NTLDR is missing" means that the Windows boot loader (NT Loader, NTLDR) cannot be found. This often occurs when the computer tries to boot from a drive other than the one Windows is installed on, due to a change in the drive configuration or because you left a bootable disk in a removable drive. But it may also be because the NTLDR file has been corrupted or deleted.


Check the boot drives

First, check the boot drives to make sure that the computer is not trying to boot from a different drive to the one that contains Windows.
  • Check that there are no CDs or DVDs in the CD/DVD drives.
  • Check that no removable drives are plugged in to the USB ports.
  • Check the boot order in the BIOS Setup to ensure that the computer boots from the drive containing Windows before any other bootable devices.
If this does not resolve the problem, you will have to repair the NT boot loader.


The easiest way to fix the "NTLDR is missing" error is to use Spotmau BootSuite or Spotmau PowerSuite Golden. However, if your computer is using Windows XP and you have a Windows XP installation CD you may be able to boot from this and use the Recovery Console to fix NTLDR manually instead.

Use Spotmau BootSuite

buy spotmauGet Spotmau BootSuite now
and fix this problem in seconds!
  • Insert the Spotmau BootSuite CD and start the computer. The main menu will appear.
Spotmau BootSuite
  • Click 2. Windows Recovery.
Spotmau BootSuite
  • When the Windows Recovery tool starts, click Windows NT/2000/XP/2003.
Spotmau BootSuite
  • On the Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Recovery dialog, click Recover NTLDR and NTDETECT.
Spotmau BootSuite
  • On the Recover NTLDR and NTDETECT dialog, select your operating system (e.g. Windows XP) and then click Recover.
Spotmau BootSuite
The tool will repair the file and report "NTLDR and NTDETECT have been recovered successfully."
  • Remove the Spotmau PowerTools CD from the drive and click Restart to reboot the computer.
buy spotmauGet Spotmau BootSuite now
and fix this problem in seconds!

Using the Windows Recovery Console

The Windows 2000 and Windows XP CDs supplied by Microsoft has a tool called the Recovery Console which can be used to repair errors that prevent Windows XP from starting using the command line. OEM versions of Windows XP, including computers that were supplied with Windows XP preinstalled, may not have this utility.
  • Insert the Windows CD and start the computer.
  • When the Welcome to Setup screen appears, press R.
  • Type a number corresponding to the Windows installation you wish to repair (usually 1) and press Enter.
  • When prompted, type the administrator password and press Enter.
  • From the command prompt, copy NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM from the i386 folder of the CD to the root folder of the hard drive. In the example commands given below, C: is the hard drive and D: is the CD-ROM drive. You will need to change the drive letters if appropriate:
    COPY D:\I386\NTLDR C:\
  • Remove the Windows XP CD from the drive and restart the computer.