Wednesday, September 21, 2011

राउटर सम्बन्धी केही जानकारी

D-Link Router PPPoE Configuration
1.      Open up your Web Browser. In the address bar, type in Press Enter.
Provide By Suman Dangol

2. You will now be prompted for your username and password. If you have configured a
username and password for your router, enter it now. If you have not, type in admin
in the username field, and leave the password blank.
Provide By Suman Dangol

3. The main menu of the router will now be displayed. Click ONCE on the WAN
Provide By Suman Dangol

4. In the WAN menu, choose the radio button PPPoE
Provide By Suman Dangol

5. This will cause a new menu to come up. The PPP over Ethernet menu will now be
Displayed. You will need to enter the Connection Username and Password. You
Will also need to make sure the Auto-Reconnect is Enabled.

Provide By Suman Dangol

6. Next, Click Apply to save the changes. The router will now restart and you will need
to click on Continue to finalize the changes.
Your Username is your Triotel e-mail address
Your password is your Triotel e-mail password
The Service Name is

Provide By Suman Dangol

7. The final step is to start-up the connection. Click on Status on the top menu.
Provide By Suman Dangol

8. On the WAN menu, you will need to click the Connect button. The router will then
Confirm that the connection with the Service is made and the connection state should
Change to PPPoE Connected.
Provide By Suman Dangol

9. Log out of the router, and restart Internet Explorer.

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